I helped throw a baby shower for my friend Carolyn, well actually all I did was make the invitations and some decorations for the shower. But it turned out really cute, this was my first diaper cake, and I wanted it to be kinda elegant, so I didn't put toys or baby stuff on it.
I really loved the look of the tiers on the cake, usually I have just seen the layers stacked on top of each other, but I think it looks more like a real "cake" this way.
The baby shower colors were black and white and pink, so that is why there are some black flowers mixed in there, plus I love the bling on them!!
The Diaper Carriages I first saw were ones that my husband's aunt made for her daughter's baby shower, and they were soooo cute I had to copy!! Then I looked online, and there are a lot of them out there! Plus I found a way cute site where a lady is making all kinds of 3-D diaper creations, like a motorcycle and trike! Click Here to see them!
Anyways, hope you like these. I am sooo bad about taking pictures although I do bring my camera with me EVERYWHERE, I just forget to get it out. So if I can borrow some other people's pictures of the baby shower, I will post some of the other stuff I made.
Thanks for looking!
Oh-and I hope Carolyn doesn't mind if I share her pics, but here is her ADORABLE baby girl, Scarlett.
I made this quilt from a kit that was sent right to my door by an organization called Quilts for Kids. They are a wonderful group of people that make handmade quilts and deliver them to children who have been hospitalized for various reasons from illnesses and disease to injuries and broken bones.
The kit they sent (which you can request online) came with all the fabric you need most of it already cut. They supply you with a quilting pattern for which the fabric was cut to size and a Downy label to name your quilt and sign your name.
There are a few requirements when you make it, like it must be machine quilted within every 2 inches or so. I had a lot of fun with that part, designing the pattern for the quilting lines.
I especially like how the diagonal lines look in the outer borders.
In my opinion, the backing fabric they gave me was cuter than the front and I like the way it turned out best.
I named it Rails 'N Tails- which was my mom's suggestion.
I'm just glad that my quilt will go to a child in need of comfort, and hopefully bring a smile to their face. :-)
If you want to learn more about Quilts for Kids visit their website:
This is a video from their site, it takes a while to load, but it's worth it.
Oh- and I already received my second quilt kit from them!! I can't wait to get started! I have a really neat idea for using my cricut with this one too!
Well, since so many people responded to my apple cupcakes, I thought I would share some pictures of the flower cupcake bouquets I made for Mother's Day and my friend's birthday.
The petals are made out of sticks of gum that I cut and shaped, and the centers are tic tacs.
Here is what I've been up to, for anyone who cares, or still bothers to check.
I used my Cricut to cut out the apple on the lid, and used page protectors to make the plastic window.
I made the apple cupcakes for Teacher Gifts, and gave them to EmmaLee's preschool teachers and bus driver and attendant.
I printed up some Thank You Cards on my computer and on the back there is a place to write a personal note to the teachers.
I figured out how to make the cupcake box based off a photo I saw somewhere online of a folding gift box.
Doesn't that look so delicious! As an apple...and even more so as a CUPCAKE!
What's really ironic is that I made these on the last day of the school year, and my last post was around the first day of school! Yeah, I know I suck at blogging. :-)