
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mobile - Turquoise, Hot Pink, and Yellow

Here's a picture of the room I made the mobile for. The customer requested that the mobile have a lot of white so it would tone down the wall colors but still complement the room's color scheme.

And here's what I came up with:

One of my favorite details on this mobile is the white origami flowers with the turquoise center! I just folded the paper inside out to make it that way! So pretty! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. This mobile is ADORABLE!!! I want one for my room {grin} Thanks for stopping over at my blog! I appreciate the sweet words...I think you could use all of the photography tips I have posted so far even if you have a normal point and shoot camera...a lot of the books are written for people who are trying to go more pro, but I think the tips still improve anyone's pictures!! You should come on over and enter my giveaway!! I would love it! Have a great day!

  2. Hi,

    I just stumbled upon your blog and I am in LOVE with your mobile! You are so creative :) I am now your newest follower, and I hope you will follow me too!

    I look forward to reading about your future creations!

  3. Your mobile is like looking at a spring rain shower of flowers....this is incredibly beautiful! I love it!

  4. Amazing Job!!!TFS
    New Follower!
